Quality Policy

Red Source comprises a team of experienced, well trained & highly skilled professionals. As an international supply-and-service provider, we apply innovative systems to procure and provide high-quality products with the aim of full customer satisfaction.

We are committed to supplying the highest quality products at competitive market rates worldwide, in full compliance with legal requirements. We use our extensive resources to ensure that the products we sell are 100% authentic and that our suppliers are licensed to legally sell their products. SGS inspection, prior to shipment, also guarantees authenticity, quality, and quantity.

We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and compliant and this is reflected in our policies. We promote continuous improvement, and our quality objectives address internal and external risks and opportunities for Red Source.

Our Management team demonstrates leadership and commitment. Their role is to establish, implement, integrate, and maintain our Quality Management System (QMS) in line with the ISO standards. We promise you the full commitment of all our employees to the QMS. By ensuring quality in all activities and achieving customer satisfaction, we develop confidence in Red Source operations thereby improving and growing our business.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We at Red Source acknowledge that sustainable procurement and social corporate responsibility are an integral part of modern corporate management. We are committed to the Global Sullivan Principles and these are compulsory for everyone at Red Source.


  • Express our support for universal human rights and particularly those of our employees, the communities within which we operate and the parties with whom we do business.
  • Promote equal opportunity for our employees regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity or religious beliefs and we do not accept the exploitation of children, physical punishment, female abuse, involuntary servitude, or any other forms of abuse.
  • Respect our employees' voluntary freedom of association.
  • Compensate employees equally for comparable work for equal periods. We also afford them the opportunity to improve their skills and capabilities.
  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace protecting human health and the environment.
  • Promote fair competition including respect for intellectual and other property rights, and we do not offer, pay or accept bribes.
  • Work with governments and communities within which we do business to improve the quality of life in terms of education, culture, economic and social well-being and we seek to provide training and opportunities for workers from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Promote the application of the above principles by parties with whom we do business.

A copy of the signed principles document is available on request.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption

At Red Source we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. We vigorously enforce the integrity of our business practices wherever we operate around the world. We will not engage in bribery or corruption.

Our policy reflects our wish to embed a culture of best-practice in anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures. Enforcement of the policy reduces the risk of criminal liability or repetitional damage for Red Source or any employee. Employees are expected to use their judgement not just to avoid malpractice, but to promote good practice.

This policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it incorporates any changes to laws and /or acceptable standards to conduct business.

A copy of the full policy is available on request.

Health & Safety

We at Red Source recognise our responsibility to employees, clients, associates, subcontractors as well as to the community and the overall environment.

Standards are set to ensure that our employees have a safe place in which to work. We constantly strive for improvements so as to achieve and maintain a zero incident or accident rate, no property damage and the smallest environmental footprint feasible.

A copy of the full policy is available on request.