Since the devastating war started in Ukraine in late February, Red Source has been working tirelessly with NGOs in Poland to supply first aid kits and MREs (meals - ready to eat). Ukraine needs tens of thousands of meals every week.
“Due to the conflict, the logistical challenges into Ukraine and its neighbouring countries have been amplified. That said, we are working closely with our partners to ensure vital aid supplies reach the relief teams on the ground,” states Red Source managing director Mark Forrester.
“We are working to provide critical items such as blankets, clothing, food, health and hygiene products. Our focus, right now, is on the MRE, a totally self-contained complete meal. MRE packaging is designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the elements. Inside each MRE pack is a main meal plus a variety of other high nutrition food and drinks” he adds.
First aid kits are also desperately needed. They contain dressings, scissors, nitryl gloves, coagulants, gauze, swabs and antiseptics. They are generally issued to clinics and hospitals or those working in the medical arena. Red Source is working to supply Ukraine and its neighbouring countries who are helping the thousands of displaced families. With over three million Ukrainian people now displaced, it is vital that they are supported and receive the essential items they so desperately need - and quickly.
Red Source supplies humanitarian relief, support, health and hygiene products and equipment to NGOs and aid entities around the world. For more information visit our About or News sections on the website or follow Red Source Global on Instagram.