Damage to buildings and infrastructure is evident all over Ukraine, as to date, the country has suffered more than 500 days of attacks. However, there are rebuild efforts ongoing in every unoccupied region, largely undertaken by NGOs and government initiatives.

Red Source in Kyiv has worked with several major entities to supply construction tools, equipment and materials to projects in almost every region, even to liberated towns near the front lines.

The renovation projects to which we have supplied, include schools, hospitals, residential and commercial buildings and IDP Centres.

Since the invasion in 2022, Red Source has supplied numerous large consignments of hand and power tools, welders, compressors, generators, and thousands of line items of construction materials. Often, our consolidated shipments are brought to our Kyiv warehouse, separated into consignments for onward truck delivery to multiple locations.

There is a massive effort underway to keep the country moving. Red Source is proud to play its part in that effort.

Builders Ukraine
ISO Certification: 9001 IRQAO ACSB Accreditation Quality Plus